Are you seeking a space to engage critically around the use of data-driven systems that classify people to make decisions about how they are treated?

Do you want to engage with this topic in the company of an interdisciplinary cohort of researchers and practitioners in a way that goes beyond the writing of an academic paper?

The utilization of data for the classification of people surfaces concerns about the data-driven perpetuation of systemic discrimination, among other types of harms. At this doctoral school, we aim to challenge this idea and focus on alternate approaches for the use (or non-use) of data.

We invite all those who are engaging with data-driven systems in some way to apply — whether they are building them, using them, being impacted by them, auditing them, analyzing them through a sociotechnical lens, or engaging in activist critique of them.

Participants at the doctoral school will have the opportunity and space to engage critically, creatively, and interactively with their concerns and their alternative visions for the role of data in society.

There is no registration fee!

The doctoral school is taking place June 28 – 30 in Hanover, Germany. This is a free event, and lunch will be provided on each day. Travel, accommodation and other costs will need to be covered by participants.

Space is limited! Apply to attend the doctoral school by sending us a short participation proposal, along with your name, affiliation, and current role by filling out this form are confirming assistance on a rolling basis. The registration period is closed. We look forward to seeing you in Hannover!


Prompt: Share with us your vision of what “Data Beyond Classification” could be, should be, or cannot be. How does this vision connect to your current practice (professional or personal)? What would you want to work on and produce over these three days with a diverse transdisciplinary group of people? This can be a specific thing that you want to create, or a specific question or concept related to the theme which you would like to explore deeply. Optionally, include a link to your website, social media, previous projects, or other online presence you would like us to see.


Dr. Alex Hanna

Director of Research at Distributed AI Research Institute (DAIR).

Dr. Milagros Miceli

Critical AI Lab Lead at the Weizenbaum-Institut.

Dr. Laurens Naudts

Postdoctoral Researcher

at AI, Media & Democracy Lab.


Sanne Vrijenhoek

PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam.

Lien Michiels

PhD candidate at the University of Antwerp.

Louise Hisayasu

Senior Project Coordinator at Tactical Tech.

Helderyse Rendall

Senior Project Coordinator at Tactical Tech.

Karla Zavala

PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam.

Adriaan Odendaal

PhD candidate at Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

Credits photo: Julia Bornkessel, CC BY 4.0

Nicolas Kayser-Bril

Reporter at AlgorithmWatch.

Dr. David Moats

University Researcher at
University of Helsinki.



LOCATION: Königlicher Pferdestall

Appelstraße 7, Hannover


“Transparency for whom? Designing data documentation with data workers”


“Investigating Instagram’s Nudity Premium”

Register for this talk here: Seminar Link

WORKSHOP 1: NORMalize: Normative Design and Evaluation of Recommender Systems

Facilitators: Sanne Vrijenhoek & Lien Michiels


“A Socio-Relational Egalitarian Perspective on AI: Citizen Self-Development and Self-Determination in the Digital Society”


LOCATION: German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)

Vortragsraum, 2.OG, Welfengarten 1 B, Hannover

WORKSHOP 2:  Data Brokers, data detox and demystifying your data

Facilitators: Louise Hisayasu & Helderyse Rendall from Tactical Tech.

WORKSHOP 3:  Sorting Out Classification

Facilitators: Dr. David Moats


“Shifting the Frame: The Labors of ImageNet and AI Data”

Register for this talk here: Seminar Link


LOCATION: MM Room, L3S Research Center

Appelstraße 9a, Hannover

WORKSHOP 4:  Zine Co-creation Workshop: Data Gardens

Facilitators: Karla Zavala & Adriaan Odendaal from Internet Teapot Design Studio.

Every day will start at 9 and end at ~17, local time.

Lunch and coffee will be served throughout the event!

Organizing team:

Kristen M. Scott,

Ioanna Papageorgiou,

Miriam Fahimi,

Mayra Russo

contact us with any questions: